Woman rescued lynx from under the wheels of a car

A woman picked up a baby lynx on a busy highway in Chattanooga (USA) and saved it from imminent death.

She told about it on a popular social network.

In the evening on September 20, American Jill Hicks was driving a car and saw a small animal, about to run across the road. Because of her poor eyesight, the woman at first mistook it for a pet rabbit. But when she stopped and got closer, she saw a tiny kitten that surprisingly had no intention of running away.

Jill put the animal in the car. It behaved like a normal cat baby: climbing around the woman, getting under her feet. After a couple of forced stops necessary to get the fidget on her lap, they made their way home.

Hicks has a large dog and an old cat living with her, so she housed the foundling in the garage: she brought a litter box, cat food, water, and a comfortable box with a warm sweater.

Then Jill, a neighbor, came over. Together they found out that the found kitten is a female lynx cub. The baby was named Arwen.

The next day she was taken to the rehabilitation center for wild animals. There the little lynx will stay until next March. Then she will be released into the wild.

“Arwen has won my heart forever,” writes Hicks. – Love and kiss her!”

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